March 4, 2015

Addiction and Parenting – Sometimes you have to get out of the box

When it comes to parenting and addiction, “sometimes you have to think out of the box.”  Today’s conversation features the story of a mom, Gerry Standard, who found herself at a point of desperation. She didn’t know what else to and decided to trust her instincts and her research and do something different. Her “different” was Ibogaine and her experience began over six years ago.

We talked about Ibogaine with the staff at Crossroads, Inc. on a previous conversation. The team shared wonderful insights and opportunities for the Ibogaine approach. 

It was quite interesting and compelling to hear the personal story of a family’s direct experience with Ibogaine*.  Since her daughter’s Ibogain treatment* six years ago, she has been clean the entire time and has made great progress in reclaiming her life. 

Those who listen to this podcast will again discover that Ibogaine is only part of the recovery process. Aftercare is also the other critical component; plus, a willingness to all members of the family in recognizing responsibility for making changes in their own life as part of the recovery process.

If you have not listened to the podcast on Ibogaine, I would encourage you to listen to it as part of the educational process.  Gerry shares and supports much of what is presented in the Ibogaine podcast; but, it is even more impactful when listened to in conjunction with the previous Ibogaine conversation.

Gerry also shares her 10 Rules for Dealing with Your Addicted Child. 

*Note: Please do not confuse Gerry’s experiences with Ibogaine as an endorsement of the work being conducted at Crossroads, Inc.These are separate conversations and are not to be construed as related or a direct endorsement of the program at Crossroads.


Addiction Conversation: The Ibogaine Process

Ten Rules for Dealing with Your Addicted Child

Check out this episode!

Addiction Conversation Podcast
About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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