February 24, 2011

The Fork in the Road

Day 55: 29.5 miles/1:49 “When it comes to the forks in the road, there are no right and wrong decisions. All we can do is make intelligent, conscious choices based on our commitment to our mission and values.” I have spent the last few days trying to understand how my son could have been so […]

February 23, 2011

The Reality of Your Destiny

Day 54: 22.7 miles/1:28  “Sometimes a man meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” ~ “The International (movie) The first time I heard this line in the movie, I was blown away by it.  It is such a powerful statement.  Who we are meant to be is, in many cases, unavoidable.  […]

February 22, 2011

Celebrate Your Life

Day 53: 22.9 miles/1:24  “Celebrate the life you were given.  Use your skills, talents, and abilities as a testament to that gift.” I woke up this morning to the news that, among other things, my son failed to report to his rehab program yesterday.  Once again, he is out on the street.  Again, so close […]

February 21, 2011

It’s Simply a Matter of Perspective

Day 52: 20.1 miles/1:12 “Everyone’s perspective is valid from where they stand.” I was enjoying coffee with good and intelligent friend, Lon Safko this morning.  We were discussing all things critical to the saving of the world – social media, communication, understanding addiction, 100 Pedals, sales, etc. During the course of our conversation, I was […]

February 20, 2011

Enjoy Every Sandwich

Day 51: 22.2 miles/1:21  “Enjoy every sandwich.” ~ Warren Zevon I am not sure how many of you have heard of Warren Zevon.  As a musician, his most famous song was “Werewolves of London.”  He had a very eclectic musical style and his career featured very unique songs and lyrics.  David Letterman was a gigantic […]

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