February 22, 2011

Celebrate Your Life

Day 53: 22.9 miles/1:24

 “Celebrate the life you were given.  Use your skills, talents, and abilities as a testament to that gift.”

I woke up this morning to the news that, among other things, my son failed to report to his rehab program yesterday.  Once again, he is out on the street.  Again, so close to making a significant breakthrough in his personal journey, he falls back into a hole.  Each time he falls, the hole gets deeper.  The disappointing component of this fall is that last week he actually built a ladder out of a hole and avoided a huge setback.  Then, as he is on his way to making and taking a huge step forward, he is back where he started, or worse.

The above quote was the last thing I said as I went out the door.  The gift of my commitment is that is forces me to keep moving.  I have structured for myself something that keeps me focused on celebrating the gifts I have been given.  Today’s ride was a little more teary eyed than ever before.  And, I know I said a prayer or two out loud for Brandon.  But, I still was able to go out there, get on my bike, focus on my commitment, and keep moving in a positive direction.

We cannot control or manage everything that goes on in our lives.  When it comes to the actions and decisions of others, we have even less control.  The path and course for our life has been defined and determined.  There is little we can do to really change it.  What we can do is embrace the passion of our purpose and the experience of this journey and utilize the gifts we have been given to be at our best in it.

It is a tall order when your emotions take a beating, or your hopes are dashed, or a loved one suffers; however, that is when we need to be at our best.  That is when we need to celebrate the life we have been given and move forward with commitment and passion.  For that is when we find our way in the life we have.  I cannot live or define Brandon’s life.  His life is a significant part of mine.  But, my life and my journey are not dependent upon his ongoing presence or participation.  Success in my life is measured by my effectiveness in utilizing all my skills, talents, and abilities through all aspects of my journey, including the hardest parts of it.

I celebrate the gift that 100 Pedals has given me and the gift I could share with Brandon when, and if, he wants it.  This gift keeps me moving, gives me energy, inspires me to be present, and enables me to use my skills through every part of this journey.  It is the gift that drives me forward when everything could be pushing against me.  Find your passion, find your purpose, embrace your gifts, and celebrate the life you have been given! It will be your driving force in the toughest and most challenging of times.

About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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