September 15, 2014

Continuing My Roller Coaster Journey

“Sometimes the thrill of soaring has to begin with the fear of falling” ~ Crystal Lewis, “For Such A Time As This

Roller Coaster - 100PedalsI have never been too keen on roller coasters. It is my fear of heights combined with that sense of being completely out of control through a turbulent ride that prevents me from truly enjoying the roller coaster experience. More often than not, my roller coaster experiences have been about survival than thrill or entertainment.

I am certainly living a roller coaster experience, right now. Many times I feel like I am surviving the ride, hanging on for dear life, and struggling to find comfort in completely letting go.  I have found much comfort in my faith that my current struggles, like a roller coaster ride, has a positive outcome with a celebratory end point that will offer a moment for gratitude and reflection regarding the entire experience. It is extremely hard to imagine such a moment when in the middle of this current ride as I am constantly jostled about by a new twist or turn or calamitous descent.

As I listened to the song, “For Such A Time As This“, I thought about the roller coaster ride that is my life. I have always been a person who was unafraid of change, willing to be challenged, and capable of making it through troubled times. I know that this current journey has given me much more than I have ever wanted and challenged me far beyond anything I believed I was capable of. There are times where I feel like I cannot take one more ounce of stress or pressure.

Even so, my heart tells me to move on, to press forward, to see where the journey takes me. Surrendering now only denies me the opportunity to discover how the ride ends and prevents me from learning and celebrating the most important lessons. Just like the roller coaster rides at the amusement park, you cannot really appreciate them unless you ride them. And, you have nothing to celebrate in the process if you don’t embrace the adventure.

I am going through the most difficult piece of my life’s journey. Finding the clarity, the strength, the confidence, and the commitment to continue has been more difficult than ever before. I wish there was a way to stop the ride or find another one, but there isn’t.  This is my ride.  This is my time. And, this my greatest opportunity. I will forge ahead because I am determined to discover and celebrate the end of the ride.

For such a time as this
Isn’t it much too great a risk
I’ve never flown from the edge of a cliff
Never walked on the water
But if I turn away
How will I know what I have missed
Have I waited all of my life
For such a time as this

Parenting and Addiction, The Four Wheels of Personal Leadership, Uncategorized , , , , , , , ,
About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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