June 25, 2012

Every Day Is a Celebration!

“Embrace everyday as an opportunity to celebrate, learn, grow, and love – live positively and trust the outcome.”

Coming off the high of my most recent speaking engagement in Germany, I have been tempted to figure out a way to make that happen again. Once I remind myself how indirectly that success came to me, I adjust my mindset. I have every intention of living that incredible experience again. I simply need to remind myself that the outcome in Germany was a byproduct of a series of commitments, behaviors, and tactics. It was not something that I obsessively focused on accomplishing or making happen. It was in the consistency with which I shared and lived my passion over time that made that desire a reality.

I used to get all caught up in how I can make things happen. I attempted to control and influence outcomes in obsessive, reactive like tactics. My strategies for my business and my life were like chasing rainbows. I would get an idea and chase after it for a while – all in the quest to get to a defined outcome now.

Over the past fifteen months, I have completely transformed my attitude and my behaviors. Though I am not always consistent to them, I am discovering more opportunity, more results, and more peace in this approach. When I get nervous or tentative about the immediate future, I remind myself that when I trust in the outcomes for my future good things happen.

I really don’t need to do anything except embrace and celebrate every single day as another opportunity. The great outcomes in life are defined by the consistent application of little celebrated accomplishments. Unless you win the lottery, you cannot be rich overnight. Unless you go on an unhealthy starvation program, you cannot lose weight overnight. And, you cannot simply put on a pair of sneakers and run a 26.2 mile marathon.

Every accomplishment in your life takes time, commitment, vision, and trust. Part of any celebrated accomplishment is the journey and the lessons learned along the way. You can attempt to speed up or short circuit the process and you may even get to your desired outcome; however, the lessons in the experience are lost. In fact, all you likely discovered was as long as there is an easy way to get to something, you can accomplish anything. Life has an interesting rule: there isn’t always a short cut to success and getting to success doesn’t mean you understand how to enjoy or celebrate it.

Every day is a gift. It offers you an opportunity to enjoy what that day brings you. It is there for you to live in focused commitment to who you are, what you have to offer others, and what you can learn on your journey. At the end of the day when you are winding it down, instead of focusing on what you didn’t do, take a moment to embrace in celebration what you did accomplish and enjoy. That is the gift of every day.

Progress is not measured by daily results. Progress is celebrated through daily accomplishments. Put positive energy and joy into your life by living and celebrating your journey. Because you know where you are going, your journey is the source for experiential lessons which enable you to better appreciate and celebrate the outcome of your accomplishments. Embrace the journey, trust in the trip, and enjoy the lessons and the experiences – the adventure helps you appreciate everything else that much more.
Have a great, positive, and peaceful week!!

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About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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