March 25, 2012

Lesson Four: Make A Commitment

Make a Commitment:

The depth of your success is directly related to the intensity of your commitment.”
I have always trusted and believed in my ability to accomplish just about anything when I put my mind to it.  The key to that truth is the “put my mind to it.”  Whenever have focused in on a goal or an objective, I usually get there.  There is more to a commitment than simply having the internal fortitude to focus on achieving it.  Now that I understand that added dimension to making and honoring commitments, my ability to focus on and realize incredible outcomes have been significantly enhanced.

The key to making commitments you honor and honoring the commitments you make take on require the following behavioral shifts and realities:

  1. The Words I Use: I have eliminated three words from from my vocabulary –“try”, “but”, and “can’t.”  Each of these words reflect a weakened commitment of one form or another.  A commitment is an unrelenting willingness to fulfill or honor a promise or an obligation.  If making a commitment is within your control, so too is honoring one.  Each of these three words imply that there is some aspect in life that prevents use from making and honoring a commitment.  I choose not to exist in that unempowered reality.  Defining a course of action, agreeing to engage in an activity, or delivering an outcome are all commitments that I can and will honor when I make them to myself or others.
  2. Celebrating Daily Accomplishments: Once a commitment to a desired outcome has been made, the key to achievement is the celebration of little daily accomplishments.  Big outcomes are the result of a series of consistent, little steps.  Great achievement require that every day I must do something in action toward my desired outcome.  Every day I succeed in these actions is another day to celebrate progress towards my objective.  While my commitment may be a significant undertaking, these little steps and their related celebrations provide me the positive reinforcement and momentum that keeps me focused and moving forward.
  3. The Result is Bigger Than Me:  A commitment is only worthy when the desired outcome impacts, influences, or inspires others.  Simply creating a goal for the benefit of others will not change the world — including mine.  Having a vision for accomplishment with an understanding of its greater purpose inspires and engages others; plus, makes the outcome more significant while increasing ones obligations toward achievement.  Simply having a goal to benefit oneself are not significant in themselves —  they are merely measures of personally driven accomplishment.  The real value in any goal is found in the impact that achieving the outcome has the world around you.  If you are going to do something bigger than yourself, you will need something greater than you to accomplish it!


About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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