December 15, 2015

My case against Marijuana

Pot - 100Pedals“I would rather treat a heroin addict than a heavy marijuana smoker.” ~ Bob Meehan, “Beyond the Yellow Brick Road”

Yes, I smoked pot.  In fact, I smoked a lot of pot when I was in high school and college. I enjoyed it. Wait, I loved it. Fortunately, I stopped using it.

Before my experiences as a parent with an addicted son, I never gave the issue of marijuana much concern or consideration. In fact, I was once in favor of its legalization. Once I began my journey into the world of drug addiction and realized how incredibly addicted our entire society is to drugs – prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol – I am a passionate advocate against legalizing this drug.

The last thing our society needs is another addictive drug on the open market.

What further cemented my stance was the section in the book “Beyond the Yellow Brick Road” by noted drug counselor and author, Bob Meehan. In his own form of long term recovery from just about every drug possible, Meehan has been counseling those with addictions since the ’70’s.

The chapter in his book (Chapter 5) “Marijuana – the Craze that’s not a phase” shares powerful insights into the ability of marijuana to hijack and destroy a healthy mind. Clearly making the distinction that all drugs take over the mind and the body, Meehan asserts that once a heroin addict detoxes, he is at least “communicating with a coherent, logical person.”  Whereas, when dealing with a person addicted to marijuana “I have to teach young marijuana addicts to think again, to straighten their devious thought patterns, and to make them understand logical consequences.”

I am not a fan of legalizing any drug.  I am actively in favor of shifting how we treat and prosecute those who have become dependent upon illegal or addictive drugs.  Any conversation about decriminalization drugs so our children are thrown in treatment facilities, not jails or prison, have my positive, active engagement. Any conversation about legalizing more drugs like Marijuana puts me on the side of passionate, committed opponent. At this point in conversation, making any addictive drug more easily available is a significantly, short-sided mistake.

“Casual marijuana users who perceive no detrimental effects from occasional use may scoff at what I say… But they must realize that they no more understand the realities of the drug disease than casual readers of newspapers understand the realities of international politics. The problem is they cannot see beyond the personal consequences of their own abuse of drugs. To understand my point of view, one must comprehend the vastness of drug abuse in this country – drug abuse is a social problem.”

Drug abuse and addiction is a problem that is not going to get better by legalizing the abuse of more drugs as a solution. Accepting this approach will have a larger, long-term impact on our society and we need to start making noise about our concerns now.


Is your child struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? Do you find yourself trapped in the emotional rollercoaster of this addiction? Dave Cooke can help you. He’s an internationally recognized speaker who has made it his commitment to minister to parents and family members struggling with addiction in their families. His powerfully insightful, faith based approach to the challenges of addiction have inspired and educated thousands across the country.

Contact Dave today and book him to speak at your church, parent’s group, business organization, or neighborhood association. Go to for more information or email

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About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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