June 8, 2017

Priority One – Taking Care of You

What would it look like if you could find a moment to just relax and reconnect with your inner self?

How would it feel to have time every single day to simply get away from the chaos?

What impact would having that kind of time have on you and others?

Today’s podcast explores the benefits of healthy balance and helps facilitate a way for you to find time for you and why this so critical in our chaotic lives.
Check out this episode!


100Pedals Talk, Addiction Conversation Podcast, featured, Parenting and Addiction , , , , ,
About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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