March 18, 2011

Remember What is Important (Part 1)

Day 77: 22.7 miles/1:17

Today’s insights are actually a day late. However, I have a spot of the blog calendar so this is where these thoughts are going to go.

I had a great ride this morning.  In terms of pace, it was one of the best rides I have had in a while.  Considering the ride started before 5AM, I am feeling even a greater sense of accomplishment.  Since I was on a very tight business schedule, I really didn’t have any time to capture an inspirational thought from today’s ride.  Truth be told, even if I did have the time, I am not too certain I would have had much to offer.  That is the reason I am contributing these comments today.

It is interesting how the inspirational thoughts and notes have become such an integral part of the 100 Pedals journey.  While the commitment was the consecutive rides, I had built a sense of purpose and accomplishment around the writing.  Not making a written contribution almost felt like failure.  It was weird.  Fortunately, I was able to, with the assistance of my community of friends to let go of the expectation associated with writing — which brings me to Part 1 of today’s thoughts.

As I became more engaged in the 100 Pedals journey I was finding energy, purpose, joy, and community in more than the rides.  I had established a connection with my inner self, Brandon, and a community of followers and supporters through the entire 100 Pedals experience.  100 Pedals became more than the ride.  However, that was the benefit, the gift, and not the commitment.  I was feeling an obligation to be present and contribute—which is good; however, it was almost blocking my ability to celebrate and enjoy all that I had accomplished relative to my commitment – the rides themselves.

When working on reaching our goals, there are days where we cannot do everything we would like to or believe we need to do to be successful.  The most important challenge is to remember what our commitment is, what we have defined as critically important to that mission, and to make certain that we accomplish and celebrate our successes.   What is important is not that we do it all; it is that we do something every day to continue our success.   I almost allowed my inability to write and contribute in that manner to have a negative influence on my accomplishment.  However, when I look at what I did accomplish, above and beyond the ride itself, I was very present to many people today relative to my 100 Pedals journey.  Remember what is important and celebrate your successes as it relates to it!

About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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