September 4, 2018

Why the Change?

Change is never easy. Often, we only engage in change when we are forced to. Our motivation for change often determines the effectiveness of our efforts and results. This segment focuses on where our motivational focus needs to be as we take on a change. Stay tuned as I reflect on the transformative process of […]

featured, Parenting and Addiction, Uncategorized, Video lessons
March 2, 2018

Your story is not lost, it has been redefined

From “Inside the 100Pedals blog” Podcast. Life rarely goes according to plan.When it doesn’t, all is not lost. The same is true of a parent’s story. Even if, even though, addiction may have radically changed everything, there is still an incredible, powerful story worth living and sharing. Blog reference: Check out this episode!

100Pedals Talk
February 22, 2018

What if there is no such thing as a bottom?

What happens when a parent feels their child has fallen far enough? What happens when they think their child must have found their bottom? What if there is no such thing as a bottom? What happens when we rescue them because we have experienced enough? All these questions considered and more as we explore, in […]

100Pedals Talk
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