March 2, 2018

Your story is not lost, it has been redefined

From “Inside the 100Pedals blog” Podcast. Life rarely goes according to plan.When it doesn’t, all is not lost. The same is true of a parent’s story. Even if, even though, addiction may have radically changed everything, there is still an incredible, powerful story worth living and sharing. Blog reference: Check out this episode!

100Pedals Talk
July 22, 2013

Planting the Seed of Destiny

“Every outcome requires time, effort and energy — the more you invest, the more you appreciate the journey.” A friend who recently finished my book,”Behind the Dumpster” shared with me a poem that resonated many of the beliefs of my story and experiences. We sow a thought and reap an act; We sow an act […]

May 20, 2013

The Path To Accomplishment

Far too many years ago, I attended a workshop focused around self-development.  The workshop taught me how to take myself past the limits of what I believed possible.  I loved the lesson and the experience of that workshop.  It was the first time I was exposed to the notion that anything is possible if I […]

The Four Wheels of Personal Leadership
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