January 10, 2011

Learning Life’s Lessons

Day 10: 20.7 miles/1:15  “Life is like a learning a foreign language, the more you study it the more you understand.” This is a quote that I borrowed and reworked from one of Brandon’s Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings.  The original quote was, “Addiction is like learning a foreign language, the more you study it the […]

January 9, 2011

The Gifts and Obligations of Trust

Day 9: 21.1 miles/1:14 “It takes a great deal of time and care to build trust; once broken, there may never be enough time to get it back.” The life of an addict is built around deception, manipulation, and survival.  An addict will do almost anything to get their hands on the money that enables […]

January 8, 2011

Be Grateful and Celebrate Your Successes

Day 8: 20.7 miles/1:14  “Take the time to express your gratitude and celebrate your success everyday” What a wonderful way to start any day.  In the ongoing dullness of our daily routines, very rarely do we realize how much we accomplish or how much we have to be grateful for.  In our chaotic or challenging […]

January 7, 2011

Riding Life’s Roller Coaster

Day 7: 18.3 miles/1:09  “Some went on the merry-go-round.  That just goes around.  I prefer the roller coaster.” ~ Grandma (“Parenthood”-movie) The movie Parenthood is truly one of my favorite movies.   This is a movie that chronicles the lives of four adult children, their parents and their extremely diverse lives and personalities.  In an earlier segment, […]

January 6, 2011

Choose to Make a Difference

Day 6: 23.2 miles/1:26  “You have an opportunity to use your gifts to make a difference in this world every day. Whether you choose to or not is entirely up to you. I choose to make a difference!” Our gifts and our talents are not provided to us solely for our fulfillment; our gifts and […]

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