November 1, 2016

The consequences of our choices Every parent dealing with the choices and behaviors of child with an addiction struggles with developing and honoring boundaries.  In reality, most parents struggle with clearly defined boundaries and consequences, in general.  Teaching our children and ourselves this lesson is a critical life skill that the entire family benefits from. The process for creating […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
October 25, 2016

When denial gets in the way of reality We have all heard the saying “your gut is always right.” Despite our awareness of this truth, we still have experienced that moment where we wish we trusted our gut instincts. It is hard for parents to believe that their children are using, lying, being dishonest, or manipulating them. Even though our strongest instincts […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Parenting and Addiction
October 18, 2016

When boundaries cause us pain A question from a mom struggling with her boundaries… “My husband and I drew the line that we wouldn’t talk to him until he has been in a rehab. And proves he is clean and working. He keeps being admitted to hospitals then out to the streets again. My reason for reaching out is […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Uncategorized
October 11, 2016

Communicating with your addicted child

The question was asked, “how do you talk to your addicted child without pushing them over the edge?” The answer is easier than you may realize, executing it may take some time and effort. We want so badly to steer them toward recovery, responsibility, change that it is hard to resist the urge to […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Parenting and Addiction
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