January 2, 2011

Day 2: 18.0 miles/1:09

Day 2: 18.0 miles/1:09  Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together “Confusion is the pieces of a puzzle strewn about the floor.  Solution is all those pieces in their place.  None of this would be possible without a visual image of what the solution looks like.” Whenever, I picture myself in a successful situation there are two […]

January 1, 2011

Day 1: 20.2 miles/1:14

Day 1: 20.2 miles/1:14   Living for the Promise of the Future “No matter how dark the present appears, I choose to live for the promise of the future and to celebrate the opportunities created through my passion and my gifts.”   This morning’s ride was filled with a lot of thoughts and emotions relating to […]

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