January 10, 2017

Finding peace in those difficult parenting decisions

http://traffic.libsyn.com/theaddictionconversation/Trusting_the_difficult_decisions.mp3 As parents of a child with an addiction, we are often tasked with making incredibly difficult and challenging choices. It can be quite a battle to decipher the better decisions from the bad ones. And, it is often difficult to move forward without reflecting back on the many options we had and the one […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
January 3, 2017

Despite the chaos, looking forward to 2017

http://traffic.libsyn.com/theaddictionconversation/Looking_forward_010217.mp3 “No matter how dark the present appears, I choose to live for the promise of the future…” This was the first quote I celebrated as I completed my first 100Pedals bike ride on January 1, 2011.  It has been six years since I made the decision that my life, despite the chaos of my […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
October 18, 2016

When boundaries cause us pain

http://traffic.libsyn.com/theaddictionconversation/When_the_boundaries_hurt.mp3 A question from a mom struggling with her boundaries… “My husband and I drew the line that we wouldn’t talk to him until he has been in a rehab. And proves he is clean and working. He keeps being admitted to hospitals then out to the streets again. My reason for reaching out is […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Uncategorized
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