February 7, 2014

Okay, what’s next?

Many of us have spent the week tripping over, reading, or sharing a variety of thoughts, blogs,  articles, and perspectives regarding drug abuse and addiction. Featured among these content providers were the large group, and getting larger, of parents like me who have made it their commitment to get involved — to help, guide and […]

Parenting and Addiction
February 4, 2014

The Battle is ON!!

Rarely do I publicly rant in response to ignorance.  Ignorance, by definition, is simply one person demonstrating their incredible lack of knowledge on a particular subject or issue.  When an ignorant comment is delivered with hate, insensitivity, contempt, or judgment toward another person the gloves must come off! Today I am declaring my commitment to […]

Parenting and Addiction, Uncategorized
February 3, 2014

Another loss, another reminder

With the sudden, tragic, and likely drug related passing of talented and passionate actor Philip Seymour Hoffman we are again reminded of the incredible power of addiction. Whenever a public figure dies from an overdose, we reflect on the loss of a gifted personality and the future opportunities we will miss to appreciate the wonders of […]

Parenting and Addiction, Uncategorized
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