May 25, 2016

What it means to be a Child of God

This morning I was thinking of my son, out on the street with nothing but an empty wallet, the clothes on his back, the shoes on his feet, and running. While I pray that he discover a way to move towards those opportunities that could save him, unfortunately he is running away from them. In […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
February 9, 2016

The Power of Unconditional Love!

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV It is hard to imagine love enduring with all that a parent goes through with an addicted child. While every parent has a different range of personal, painful experiences with their child’s addiction, the ultimate outcome of this […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
January 13, 2016

What happens when you lose hope

In this video segment, I reflect on the lessons garnered from William Glasser’s book, “Positive Addiction.” The most significant component of this book is found in understanding the difference between Positive and Negative Addiction. Negative Addiction is the resignation to a reality that “there is no hope”; whereas, Positive Addiction is committed to the notion […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Uncategorized
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