January 12, 2015

“I feel like I am losing hope”

Hope is never lost. Hope must never be lost. Hope merely appears to be lost when your dreams crash headfirst into your reality. When everything seemingly spirals out of control, it is not a time to lose hope; it is simply a reality check. Victory, crossing the finish line, incredible success – is always possible. […]

Parenting and Addiction, Uncategorized
December 15, 2014


Recently I experienced the joy of my little girl, now 30, giving birth to her first child, my first grandson. Babies are an incredible gift and truly a miracle of life. Upon arrival every parent is reminded of their child’s precious innocence. We are witness to a fragile, simple beginning where all our child seems […]

Parenting and Addiction
December 9, 2014

Stop the Insanity

empowerment: the giving or delegation of power or authority; authorization enabling: “when helping your child is hurting you more than it is helping them…” Every parent wrestles with “what to do” when it comes to the behaviors of a child with an addiction. We want so much for them to embrace a recovery program and […]

Parenting and Addiction
October 13, 2014

A mother’s quest for joy

I was fortunate to have author and mom, Sandy Swenson, make time to join me on the podcast The Addiction Conversation.  Sandy has recently released her book, “The Joey Song” which chronicles her story of her experiences with her oldest son Joey and his addiction driven life.  Here are a few excerpts from this podcast. […]

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