February 9, 2016

The Power of Unconditional Love!

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV It is hard to imagine love enduring with all that a parent goes through with an addicted child. While every parent has a different range of personal, painful experiences with their child’s addiction, the ultimate outcome of this […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
January 5, 2016

My recovery celebration

It has already been five years since I got on my bicycle for the first of one hundred consecutive days of riding in an effort to find peace and clarity in the face of the adversity of my son’s heroin addiction. The past five years have provided me a myriad of powerful lessons, challenging experiences, […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Uncategorized
March 16, 2015

It is time you took back control!

“No matter how dark the present appears, I choose to live for the promise of the future and celebrate the opportunity to learn and grow in the process.” Even in the most normal of times, life often presents us with difficult, challenging days. Several years ago, there were many days where my son’s addictive choices […]

featured, Parenting and Addiction
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