March 2, 2011

The Power of Apology

Day 61: 19.7 miles/1:11 “An apology may not fix everything right away, but it is the best place to start to repair a relationship.” Brandon and I had coincidental experiences yesterday.  We weren’t together when it happened; yet, they probably occurred within an hour of each other.  Unexpectedly we both ran into someone that we […]

March 1, 2011

Real Success and the Little Things

Day 60: 20.3 miles/1:15  “Fulfillment of your goal is the ultimate objective.  However, the real power of the journey is discovering and learning from all the experiences along the way.” Getting to the place where accomplishing a something significant involves succeeding in doing a lot of little, seemingly insignificant things along the way.  In reality, […]

February 28, 2011

Fine Tune Your Life

Day 59: 18.3 miles/1:11  “Eliminate the chatter and noise that distract you from your mission.” I spent a couple hours yesterday cleaning my bike.  The bike was getting dirty, the chain was a little gummy, and there were some rattles and creaks that were starting to bug me.  There is nothing more distracting to me […]

February 27, 2011

Success on Those Hard Days

Day 58: 22.1 miles/1:23  “Detours and road closures cannot stop you from getting to your committed destination.” Today’s ride was one of those physical and mental battles to simply get through the ride. From the first crank of the pedals to the moment when I was finally off my bike, this ride was hard.  It was not a […]

February 26, 2011

Simply Be Your Best

Day 57: 25.9 miles/1:28  “To do a common thing, uncommonly well, brings success.” ~ H. J. Heinz Since today’s ride was number 57, I couldn’t resist the desire to find a quote from the originator of the most familiar “57”, H.J. Heinz himself.  Considering the basic nature of his most famous product, Ketchup, there is […]

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